No one of us have ever seen God, but its not True, we have seen them, we live with them, we talk to them, we share our feelings with them, OUR PARENTS ARE OUR GOD...

Birth Control Pill for Men
21:40 |
Birth control pill for men is on the way!
It is not too far when men can take their own birth control pill with no side effects, suggest a study done by a groupof scientists.
Top 10 Most Remote Places in the World
21:26 |
Top 10 Most Remote Places in the World
Thanks to modern technology and air travel, the world is forever becoming a smaller place. Where journeys from one continent to another once took months, they now take hours, and sometimes it seems like there is nowhere left for a would-be adventurer to really get away from it all. Still, if you have the time, money, and know-how, there are still some places off the map - or just barely on it - that remain shrouded in mystery simply by virtue of being really difficult to reach. Whether mining camps at the top of the world, or tiny islands thousands of miles from civilization, the following are thetop 10 most remote places left onplanet Earth.
10. Easter Island

Located some 2,000 miles west ofthe Chilean Coast, Easter Island, orRapa Nui, is a tiny island that has become famous for its remarkable isolation in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. It is relatively small, measuring roughly seventy square miles in size, and is today home to around4,000 people . The island has become well known for the massive rock sculptures called Moai that dot its beaches . They were carved sometime around the year 1500 by the islands earliest inhabitants, and it has been said that the massive wood sleds needed to transport them from one place to another are a big part of what led to the almosttotal deforestation of Easter Island. Scientists have argued that the island was once lush andtree-covered, but today it is relatively barren, a feature that only adds to the sense of sheer isolation that is said to overtake most first-time visitors. When the first settlers migrated to the island, the journey took several weeks, but today there is a small airport (reportedly the most remote in all the world) that carries passengers to the island by way of Santiago, Chile.
9. La Rinconada, Peru

For sheer inaccessibility, few locations in South America compare to La Rinconada, a smallmining town in the Peruvian Andes. Located nearly 17,000 feetabove sea level, La Rinconada is considered the highest city in the world , and it is this stunning geography that makes it so desolate. The city is located on a permanently frozen glacier, and can only be reached by truck via treacherous and winding mountain roads. Just reaching the city takes days, and even then altitude sickness, combined with the shantytown¡¯s deplorable condition, means thatfew people can handle living there for long. Still, the town is said to have as many as 30,000 inhabitants, almost all of whom are involved in the business of mining gold, which is extracted from beneath the ice inside nearby caverns. In addition to its remoteness, La Rinconada has gained a dubious reputation as adestination for poor and desperate workers, many of whom work the mines for free inexchange for the right to keep a small percentage of the gold ore they find.
8. McMurdo Station, Antarctica

Located literally at the bottom of the world, Antarctica is easily oneof the most remote places on the face of the Earth. There are no native inhabitants to the continent, but there are several research centers constantly in operation there, and of these McMurdo Station is the largest. Located on Ross Island near the northern tip of the continent, thealmost perpetually frozen station is a center of international research, and is home to as many as 1,200 scientists and workers during the warmer summer months. It is one of the most desolate locations on the planet, but although McMurdo is as far from a major city as any location in the world, even it is no longer as backwater as it used to be. Trips by boat to Antarctica once took months, sometimes even years, but McMurdos three airstrips have helped make the region a much less remote destination than before. Thanks to this, the scientists at the station now enjoy many of the modern amenities found in major cities, including gyms, television, and even a nine-hole Frisbee golf course.
7. Cape York Peninsula, Australia

Australia is known both for its extremely low population densityand untouched natural beauty, both of which are best exemplified by Cape York, Peninsula, a huge expanse of untouched wilderness located onthe countrys northern tip. The region has a population of only 18,000 people, most of whom arepart of the countrys aboriginal tribes , and it is considered to be one of the largest undeveloped places left in the world. This helps contribute to its stunning natural beauty, but it also makes Cape York about as difficult to reach as any destination in Australia. The peninsula has become a popular destination foradventurous tourists, who drive jeeps and trucks down the unpaved Peninsula Development Road whenever it isnot closed dueto flooding during the rainy season. But even with 4-wheel drive trucks, many of the more heavily overgrown parts of Cape York Peninsula are completely inaccessible, and some regions have still only been surveyed by helicopter .
6. Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland

At 836,000 square miles in size, Greenland is the worlds largest island, but its tiny population of 57,000 people means that it¡¯s alsothe most desolate. And of all the towns in Greenland, perhaps none is as remote (or as difficult to pronounce) as Ittoqqortoormiit, a small fishing and hunting village located on the islands eastern shore, to the north of Iceland. The town is partof a municipal district roughly the size of England, but it has a population of only slightly more than 500 people, meaning that each person technically has morethan 150 square miles to call their own. Residents make their living off of hunting polar bears and whales , which are prevalent in the area, and by fishing for Halibut during the warmer months. Ittoqqortoormiit lies on the coast, but the seas surrounding it are almost perpetually frozen, leaving only athree-month window when the town is easily accessible by boat. There is an airport some 25 miles away, but flights are rare. For themost part, the town, one of the northernmost settlements in the world, is completely isolated in the vastness of the tundra.
5. Kerguelen Islands

Also known as the -Desolation Islands for their sheer distance from any kind of civilization, the Kerguelen Islands are a small archipelago located in the southern Indian Ocean. There is no airstrip on the islands, and to get to them travelers must take a six-day boat ride from Reunion, asmall island located off the coast of Madagascar . The islands have no native population, but like Antarctica, which lies several hundred miles south, the Kerguelens have a year-round population of scientists and engineers from France, which claims them as a territory. The islands do have something of a storied past, and since they were first discovered in 1772 they havebeen visited by a number of different biologists and explorers, including Captain James Cook, who made a brief stop on the archipelago in 1776. Today the island is primarily a scientific center, but it also holds a satellite, a French missile defense system, and even serves as a sort of refuge for a particular type of French cattle that has become endangered on the mainland.
4. Pitcairn Island

Pitcairn Island is a tiny speck of land located nearly dead in the center of the southern Pacific Ocean. Its closest neighbors are the Gambier Islands and Tahiti to the West, but even these are several hundred miles away. The island, which is the last remaining British territory in the Pacific, has a standing population of some fifty people, many of whom are descended from crewmembers of the famed HMS Bounty . In 1789, the Bounty was the setting for a now-legendary mutiny, when crewmembers enchanted by the idyllic life of the native Pacific islanders overthrew their commander, burned their ship in a nearby bay, and settled on Pitcairn. Today, the descendants of those sailors mostly make theirliving off of farming, fishing, andselling their extremely rare postage stamps to collectors, but even with modern transportationthey still remain one of the most isolated communities in the world. There is no airstrip on the island, and getting there from the mainland requires hopping a ride on a shipping boat out of New Zealand, a journey that can take as long as ten days.
3. Alert, Nunavut, Canada

Located in Canada on the tip of the Nunavut territory, Alert is a small village that lies on the Arctic Ocean only 500 miles belowthe North Pole . It is widely considered to be the northernmost permanently inhabited place in the world (with a whopping five year-round residents), and also one of the most inhospitable. Temperatures in Alert, which alsoserves as a Canadian radio receiving facility and a weather laboratory, can get as low as 40 degrees below zero, and becauseof its location at the top of the Earth , the camp alternates between 24-hour sunlight duringthe summer and 24-hour darkness during the winter. The nearest town to Alert is a small fishing village some 1,300 miles away, and you would have to travel nearly twice that distance to reach major cities like Quebec. Because of its military function, Alert does have an airport, but because of weather it is often unusable. In 1991, a C-130 aircraft crashed there when its pilot misjudged his altitude and brought his plane down 19 miles short of the runway. 4 people died in the crash, and another perished while waiting for a rescue party, which took nearly 30 hours to make the short journey to the site because of a blizzard.
2. Motuo County, China

Considered the last county in China without a road leading to it, Motuo is a small community in the Tibetan Autonomous Region that remains one of the few places in Asia still untouched by the modern world. Just getting toMotuo is a Herculean task, as travelers must follow a grueling overland route through frozen parts of the Himalayas before crossing into the county by way of a 200-meter-long suspension bridge. The county is renowned for its beauty - Buddhist scripture regards it as Tibets holiest land -and it is said to be a virtual Eden of plant life, housing one-tenth of all flora in China. Despite its stunning geography and natural resources, Motuo still remains something of an island unto itself. Millions of dollars have been spent over the years in trying to build a serviceable roadto it, but all attempts have eventually been abandoned because of mudslides, avalanches, and a generally volatile landscape . As the story goes, in the early 90s a makeshifthighway was built that led from the outside world into the heart of Mutuo County. It lasted for only a few days before becomingun-passable, and was soon reclaimed by the dense forest.
1. Tristan da Cunha

The single most remote inhabitedplace in the world, Tristan de Cunha is an archipelago of small islands located in the southern Atlantic Ocean . The nearest land to the island is South Africa, which is roughly 1,700 miles away, while the South American coast lies at a distance of about 2,000 miles. Despite its tiny size and astonishing isolation, Tristande Cunha has enjoyed a rich history. The island was first discovered in 1506 by a Portuguese explorer, and was later annexed by the British, whofeared the French might use it as a point of departure to rescue Napoleon, who had been exiled to nearby St. Helena. A small group of British, Italian, and American settlers began living onthe island in the 1800s, and it is still under the U.K.s jurisdiction today. The islands now have a total population 271 people , most of whom are descended from those original settlers and make their living as farmers and craft makers. Although the island now has some television stations and access to the internet via satellite, it is still the most physically isolated location on planet earth. The island¡¯s rocky geography makes building an airstrip impossible, so the only way to travel to it is by boat. It was once regularly connected to South Africa by a British transportship, but this vessel has since stopped calling on the island, and outside of the occasional cargo vessel, now the only visitors to Tristan da Cunha are deep sea fishing boats.
Thanks to modern technology and air travel, the world is forever becoming a smaller place. Where journeys from one continent to another once took months, they now take hours, and sometimes it seems like there is nowhere left for a would-be adventurer to really get away from it all. Still, if you have the time, money, and know-how, there are still some places off the map - or just barely on it - that remain shrouded in mystery simply by virtue of being really difficult to reach. Whether mining camps at the top of the world, or tiny islands thousands of miles from civilization, the following are thetop 10 most remote places left onplanet Earth.
10. Easter Island
Located some 2,000 miles west ofthe Chilean Coast, Easter Island, orRapa Nui, is a tiny island that has become famous for its remarkable isolation in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean. It is relatively small, measuring roughly seventy square miles in size, and is today home to around4,000 people . The island has become well known for the massive rock sculptures called Moai that dot its beaches . They were carved sometime around the year 1500 by the islands earliest inhabitants, and it has been said that the massive wood sleds needed to transport them from one place to another are a big part of what led to the almosttotal deforestation of Easter Island. Scientists have argued that the island was once lush andtree-covered, but today it is relatively barren, a feature that only adds to the sense of sheer isolation that is said to overtake most first-time visitors. When the first settlers migrated to the island, the journey took several weeks, but today there is a small airport (reportedly the most remote in all the world) that carries passengers to the island by way of Santiago, Chile.
9. La Rinconada, Peru
For sheer inaccessibility, few locations in South America compare to La Rinconada, a smallmining town in the Peruvian Andes. Located nearly 17,000 feetabove sea level, La Rinconada is considered the highest city in the world , and it is this stunning geography that makes it so desolate. The city is located on a permanently frozen glacier, and can only be reached by truck via treacherous and winding mountain roads. Just reaching the city takes days, and even then altitude sickness, combined with the shantytown¡¯s deplorable condition, means thatfew people can handle living there for long. Still, the town is said to have as many as 30,000 inhabitants, almost all of whom are involved in the business of mining gold, which is extracted from beneath the ice inside nearby caverns. In addition to its remoteness, La Rinconada has gained a dubious reputation as adestination for poor and desperate workers, many of whom work the mines for free inexchange for the right to keep a small percentage of the gold ore they find.
8. McMurdo Station, Antarctica
Located literally at the bottom of the world, Antarctica is easily oneof the most remote places on the face of the Earth. There are no native inhabitants to the continent, but there are several research centers constantly in operation there, and of these McMurdo Station is the largest. Located on Ross Island near the northern tip of the continent, thealmost perpetually frozen station is a center of international research, and is home to as many as 1,200 scientists and workers during the warmer summer months. It is one of the most desolate locations on the planet, but although McMurdo is as far from a major city as any location in the world, even it is no longer as backwater as it used to be. Trips by boat to Antarctica once took months, sometimes even years, but McMurdos three airstrips have helped make the region a much less remote destination than before. Thanks to this, the scientists at the station now enjoy many of the modern amenities found in major cities, including gyms, television, and even a nine-hole Frisbee golf course.
7. Cape York Peninsula, Australia
Australia is known both for its extremely low population densityand untouched natural beauty, both of which are best exemplified by Cape York, Peninsula, a huge expanse of untouched wilderness located onthe countrys northern tip. The region has a population of only 18,000 people, most of whom arepart of the countrys aboriginal tribes , and it is considered to be one of the largest undeveloped places left in the world. This helps contribute to its stunning natural beauty, but it also makes Cape York about as difficult to reach as any destination in Australia. The peninsula has become a popular destination foradventurous tourists, who drive jeeps and trucks down the unpaved Peninsula Development Road whenever it isnot closed dueto flooding during the rainy season. But even with 4-wheel drive trucks, many of the more heavily overgrown parts of Cape York Peninsula are completely inaccessible, and some regions have still only been surveyed by helicopter .
6. Ittoqqortoormiit, Greenland
At 836,000 square miles in size, Greenland is the worlds largest island, but its tiny population of 57,000 people means that it¡¯s alsothe most desolate. And of all the towns in Greenland, perhaps none is as remote (or as difficult to pronounce) as Ittoqqortoormiit, a small fishing and hunting village located on the islands eastern shore, to the north of Iceland. The town is partof a municipal district roughly the size of England, but it has a population of only slightly more than 500 people, meaning that each person technically has morethan 150 square miles to call their own. Residents make their living off of hunting polar bears and whales , which are prevalent in the area, and by fishing for Halibut during the warmer months. Ittoqqortoormiit lies on the coast, but the seas surrounding it are almost perpetually frozen, leaving only athree-month window when the town is easily accessible by boat. There is an airport some 25 miles away, but flights are rare. For themost part, the town, one of the northernmost settlements in the world, is completely isolated in the vastness of the tundra.
5. Kerguelen Islands
Also known as the -Desolation Islands for their sheer distance from any kind of civilization, the Kerguelen Islands are a small archipelago located in the southern Indian Ocean. There is no airstrip on the islands, and to get to them travelers must take a six-day boat ride from Reunion, asmall island located off the coast of Madagascar . The islands have no native population, but like Antarctica, which lies several hundred miles south, the Kerguelens have a year-round population of scientists and engineers from France, which claims them as a territory. The islands do have something of a storied past, and since they were first discovered in 1772 they havebeen visited by a number of different biologists and explorers, including Captain James Cook, who made a brief stop on the archipelago in 1776. Today the island is primarily a scientific center, but it also holds a satellite, a French missile defense system, and even serves as a sort of refuge for a particular type of French cattle that has become endangered on the mainland.
4. Pitcairn Island
Pitcairn Island is a tiny speck of land located nearly dead in the center of the southern Pacific Ocean. Its closest neighbors are the Gambier Islands and Tahiti to the West, but even these are several hundred miles away. The island, which is the last remaining British territory in the Pacific, has a standing population of some fifty people, many of whom are descended from crewmembers of the famed HMS Bounty . In 1789, the Bounty was the setting for a now-legendary mutiny, when crewmembers enchanted by the idyllic life of the native Pacific islanders overthrew their commander, burned their ship in a nearby bay, and settled on Pitcairn. Today, the descendants of those sailors mostly make theirliving off of farming, fishing, andselling their extremely rare postage stamps to collectors, but even with modern transportationthey still remain one of the most isolated communities in the world. There is no airstrip on the island, and getting there from the mainland requires hopping a ride on a shipping boat out of New Zealand, a journey that can take as long as ten days.
3. Alert, Nunavut, Canada
Located in Canada on the tip of the Nunavut territory, Alert is a small village that lies on the Arctic Ocean only 500 miles belowthe North Pole . It is widely considered to be the northernmost permanently inhabited place in the world (with a whopping five year-round residents), and also one of the most inhospitable. Temperatures in Alert, which alsoserves as a Canadian radio receiving facility and a weather laboratory, can get as low as 40 degrees below zero, and becauseof its location at the top of the Earth , the camp alternates between 24-hour sunlight duringthe summer and 24-hour darkness during the winter. The nearest town to Alert is a small fishing village some 1,300 miles away, and you would have to travel nearly twice that distance to reach major cities like Quebec. Because of its military function, Alert does have an airport, but because of weather it is often unusable. In 1991, a C-130 aircraft crashed there when its pilot misjudged his altitude and brought his plane down 19 miles short of the runway. 4 people died in the crash, and another perished while waiting for a rescue party, which took nearly 30 hours to make the short journey to the site because of a blizzard.
2. Motuo County, China
Considered the last county in China without a road leading to it, Motuo is a small community in the Tibetan Autonomous Region that remains one of the few places in Asia still untouched by the modern world. Just getting toMotuo is a Herculean task, as travelers must follow a grueling overland route through frozen parts of the Himalayas before crossing into the county by way of a 200-meter-long suspension bridge. The county is renowned for its beauty - Buddhist scripture regards it as Tibets holiest land -and it is said to be a virtual Eden of plant life, housing one-tenth of all flora in China. Despite its stunning geography and natural resources, Motuo still remains something of an island unto itself. Millions of dollars have been spent over the years in trying to build a serviceable roadto it, but all attempts have eventually been abandoned because of mudslides, avalanches, and a generally volatile landscape . As the story goes, in the early 90s a makeshifthighway was built that led from the outside world into the heart of Mutuo County. It lasted for only a few days before becomingun-passable, and was soon reclaimed by the dense forest.
1. Tristan da Cunha
The single most remote inhabitedplace in the world, Tristan de Cunha is an archipelago of small islands located in the southern Atlantic Ocean . The nearest land to the island is South Africa, which is roughly 1,700 miles away, while the South American coast lies at a distance of about 2,000 miles. Despite its tiny size and astonishing isolation, Tristande Cunha has enjoyed a rich history. The island was first discovered in 1506 by a Portuguese explorer, and was later annexed by the British, whofeared the French might use it as a point of departure to rescue Napoleon, who had been exiled to nearby St. Helena. A small group of British, Italian, and American settlers began living onthe island in the 1800s, and it is still under the U.K.s jurisdiction today. The islands now have a total population 271 people , most of whom are descended from those original settlers and make their living as farmers and craft makers. Although the island now has some television stations and access to the internet via satellite, it is still the most physically isolated location on planet earth. The island¡¯s rocky geography makes building an airstrip impossible, so the only way to travel to it is by boat. It was once regularly connected to South Africa by a British transportship, but this vessel has since stopped calling on the island, and outside of the occasional cargo vessel, now the only visitors to Tristan da Cunha are deep sea fishing boats.
Finally Apple launches Iphone 5
21:23 |
Apple on Wednesday took the wraps off the iPhone 5, the thinnest-ever version of a smartphone that yields the majority of its profit and helped it become the world's most valuable corporation.
21:21 |
Heard of a three-person marriage?
Three's company in a marriage, in Brazil at least.
A notary in Sao Paulo has sparked controversy by accepting a civil union between three people, triggering outrage in society.
How this happened?
How this happened
The three individuals lived in Rio de Janeiro together for three years and shared bills and other expenses.
Barfi Movie Review
21:19 |
Barfi! Movie Review - By Taran Adarsh
The late Rajesh Khanna put it across marvelously in the memorable ANAND, 'Zindagi badi honi chahiye, lambi nahi.'
Kashmir Heaven on the Earth
21:16 |
K nown for its pristine beauty, theKashmir valley is a land of snow clad mountains that shares a common boundary with Afghanistan, China and Pakistan.But conflict in the region has often marred it surreal beauty. The Kashmir region has been a reason of dispute between India and Pakistan for several years now.
Agumbe | Highest Peak of Western Ghats | Crown Jewel
08:48 |
With an annual rainfall of 4000 mm to 8500 mm, Agumbe lays claim to the moniker 'Cherrapunji of South India'. The wettest place in south India, Agumbe in the monsoon is a land transformed. The forested cliffs of Agumbe rise up more than 2,000 feet above sea level, trapping the monsoon winds that drift in from the coast. Fog clings to the thick vegetation and the undergrowth echoes with the cries of birds such as whistling thrushes, fulvettas and bulbuls. In the treetops, monkeys such as the rare Lion-tailed Macaque may be seen. But the most visible signs of life stir underfoot, amid bushes and leaf litter. Snakes and frogs, insects and crabs are drawn out by the abundance of food and in search of mates
11 Don’ts for First Night with New Partner
00:34 |
You are having your first sex with a man with whom you want to build a serious relationship. Strangely enough, there are certain rules for the first night spent together. If this is not a one night stand for you, if you have serious intentions of establishing lasting relationship with this partner (like at the end of all fairy tales – and they lived happily ever after), these tips will help you avoid making serious mistakes in bed.

15 Ways Rich People Think Differently
23:51 |
What is it that separates the rich from the rest of us?
Steve Siebold, the author of How Rich People Think recently shared ‘15 Ways Rich People Think Differently’ with Business Insider.[/b]

The Mentality Of The Rich
1. Rich people think selfishness is a virtue
Steve Siebold, the author of How Rich People Think recently shared ‘15 Ways Rich People Think Differently’ with Business Insider.[/b]
The Mentality Of The Rich
1. Rich people think selfishness is a virtue
Top 10 Most Beautiful Princesses
23:43 |
Top 10 Beautiful Princesses
10. Princess Mary ¡ª Denmark

Princess Mary is living proof that fairy tales can come true. A native of Hobart, Tasmania, this elegant 39-year-old was working at an Australian advertising agency in 2000 when she literally bumped into a handsome young man named Fred in a crowded Sydney pub. It was not until a half hour later that a friend informed her that Fred was in fact Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark.
Top5 Strong Human Fears
00:50 |
Top 5 Strong Human Fears!
5. Loneliness

The fear of being alone is that dreadful feeling of emptiness caused by the absence of interaction with another human being. This fear has also evolved from one of our early survival instincts: we fear loneliness because it is more likely that we would survive if we live ingroup.The fear of loneliness is related to doing something and no one noticing. We often feel that in order for our actions tobe meaningful, someone has to notice them. This relates to the philosophy quote ¡° If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
5. Loneliness
The fear of being alone is that dreadful feeling of emptiness caused by the absence of interaction with another human being. This fear has also evolved from one of our early survival instincts: we fear loneliness because it is more likely that we would survive if we live ingroup.The fear of loneliness is related to doing something and no one noticing. We often feel that in order for our actions tobe meaningful, someone has to notice them. This relates to the philosophy quote ¡° If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Stunning Water Reflection Landscapes
00:31 |
We cannot see our reflection in running water. It is only in still water that we can see.''
The real essence of landscape photography comes when the picture say something to you, All the photos below are just awesome.... look at the real Reflection Photography done by Jack Brauer

The real essence of landscape photography comes when the picture say something to you, All the photos below are just awesome.... look at the real Reflection Photography done by Jack Brauer
00:21 |

Surely my favorite for this year’s T20 World Cup, If I was to bet on any team it would be West Indies, because they have the best T20 players in the world and they are back to winning form after defeating New Zealand in their home series. With the return of Gayle and Samuels, their batting has become strong and they have a mystery spinner in the form of Sunil Narine.
Surely my favorite for this year’s T20 World Cup, If I was to bet on any team it would be West Indies, because they have the best T20 players in the world and they are back to winning form after defeating New Zealand in their home series. With the return of Gayle and Samuels, their batting has become strong and they have a mystery spinner in the form of Sunil Narine.
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